Experienced Focuser Workshops
These weekends are intended for focusers who have studied the basics and who want to learn more ways to work with and enjoy Focusing, both for themselves and for helping others. Most of these workshops form part of my Practitioner Programme, but you don't have to sign up for the Programme to do them. Ideally, you will have completed the Focusing Skills workshops, but if you haven't, I might relent and let you do them. They all include personal and group Focusing time, discussion and stimulating ideas.
Focusing in Helping Relationships
A workshop to study various ways to mix Focusing into other settings and contexts. You can print off the
PDF flyer
for this workshop.
- embodied dialogue
- brief focusing moments
- guided Focusing journeys
- introducing Focusing to new people
- benefits, limitations and potential pitfalls
- ethical practice
Thinking with the Felt Sense
This workshop looks at ways to use Focusing to think and write about subjects you are interested in and drawn to. You can print off the
PDF flyer
for this workshop.
- an introduction to Gendlin's 'thinking at the edge' (TAE)
- thinking and writing from the felt sense
- listening skills for accompanying a thinking focuser
- practices that help humans to think
Let Your Body Make Your Mind Up
A workshop on how we make decisions that feel 'right' and on things to do when we are unable to. You can print off the
PDF flyer
for this workshop.
- using Focusing for decision making
- the psychology of making decisions that feel 'right'
- mixed feelings and emotional attachments
- strategies for working through obstacles to the feeling of 'right'
Facing Our Future with the Felt Sense
This workshop is about addressing our collective future - that includes climate change and other huge environmental problems - with the felt sense, our own and other people's, in mind. How do we stay centred and find a way forward in the face of things in the world that threaten to overwhelm us? You can print off the
PDF flyer
for this workshop.
- focusing on our own felt sense of climate change
- reflecting on our understanding of the felt sense as the key to embodied thinking
- our experience of listening to the felt sense when addressing topics like climate change
- the 'felt sense zone': a social or group space where everyone can find their felt sense
- a 'felt sense world': attitudes and approaches that work with the felt sense, not against it